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Project Vigilant - deployment on 14th March


Project Vigilant aims to prevent sexual violence by targeting predatory behaviour. Thames Valley Police uses bespoke behavioural observation training to upskill frontline officers in risk management and to encourage proactivity in spotting predatory behaviour. Once trained, plain-clothed officers are deployed into the community to identify predatory sexual behaviour. Uniformed officers intervene to prevent this behaviour escalating into an offence.  


Officers from Project Vigilant were deployed on 14th March focusing their activity on the Subways, Parks and canals in Newbury and Thatcham. The team focused on the River Kennet from Newbury A339 towards Thatcham and from Newbury A339 towards Enborne.  Victoria Park Newbury, Goldwell Park Newbury, City Playground Park Andover Road Newbury and Discovery Centre Fields Lower Way Thatcham. A339 Underpasses at police station, burger king roundabout, Robin Hood, Shaw social club all along the A339. The patrols were between 7pm-1am. No suspicious invididals were stopped by the team. 

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Al Hawkett
(Thames Valley Police, Neighbourhood Inspector, West Berkshire)

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