***Saturday updates of what we've been up to recently***
PCSO Jason Miller and PC Ahmed have been busy patrolling areas to deter and disrupt Anti Social Behaviour across the area, including working with a number of victims in Ellington Park / Harrow Lane. This follows several recent reports of drug related activity which will not be tolerated.
Update: We are being informed due to our additional patrols and disruptive activity there is much less going on. One person was arrested this week on suspicion of being concerned in supply of drugs and breach of bail, by RBWM Problem Solving Team. Further disruption by those involved resulted in 4 people being stop searched near the town centre and suspected stolen items being seized.
We have also patrolled other areas such as Grenfell Park, Belmonts, St Marks and River area and are pleased to report all was in order.
We continue to patrol the town centre and engage with local retailers to deter and stop shop thefts, plus deal with cyclists using the pedestrian area of High Street and engagement with teenagers.
Update: Since seizing several E-scooters + a motorised skate board in recent months we are seeing far less use in the town centre in particular, this was previously a widely reported issue by shoppers and local businesses.
Lastly, we have been patrolling and engaging at both Mosques with our Muslim communities during the Holy month of Ramadan. Ramadan Mubarak to everyone celebrating.
Clearly this is not all we do, supported by many colleagues from different departments, be reassured if the minority within our area are causing you the community issues or concerns either by being involved in criminal activity or by being anti social, we do our very best to be on their case and put a stop to whatever they are doing. We want to make our area as safe and crime free as possible.
Stay safe and enjoy your weekend PCSO Miller and PC Ahmed | ||||
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