The Police
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WhatsApp scam

Please be aware that the WhatsApp scam is circulating again.


The person will claim to be a family member or friend who has lost or damaged their phone. There'll be a sense of urgency to the conversation and they will ask you to send money to help. They are actually a fraudster trying to steal your money.


“Hey mum, it’s me...” is a very believable message to receive for many people, but if you’re contacted unexpectedly by a number you don’t recognise and they start requesting money - keep calm.


  • Call the original number you have saved for that person to verify that you are messaging a family member.

  • Does the message sound like your family member? Look at the tone and language they’ve used in their messages. If you’re still in doubt, ask a question that only your family member could answer.

  • You can report fraud to Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040

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    Message Sent By
    Wesley Smith
    (Police, PCSO, Cherwell and West)

    Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials