The Police
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Just a reminder to save the date. 2nd of April

On Wednesday the 2nd of April from 0900 at the Town Hall in Chipping Norton, Barclays Bank, Chipping Norton Neighbourhood Police Team and Trading Standards will be available for members of the public to call in and speak us about any concerns regarding scams, rogue traders, spam emails/texts/calls, internet fraud, investment fraud, what to look out for and how to protect yourself from scammers.

We will have;

“No cold calling” stickers for front doors.

Information on the best way to deal with scammers on the phone.

The little book of BIG scams. A very useful little book, packed with good advice on how to spot scams.

Information on call blockers if you are receiving a lot of scam calls.

A list of reputable trades people and advice on what the correct process is, if you are planning on any home improvements or general property maintenance.  

And lots of crime prevention advice.


See you there.



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Message Sent By
Wesley Smith
(Police, PCSO, Cherwell and West)

Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials