The Police
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Good Afternoon, 


I hope everyone is having a nice sunny Sunday. 


A few weeks ago, I sent out a survey in regards to ASB within the area of Datchet more specifically. I have received 55 responses which is brilliant. I have heard what the majority have said in regards to the types of ASB and the areas of the ASB and I have been implementing this into my daily patrols. 

I have paid close attention to Datchet Train Station car park, especially late evening and have yet to find anything but will continue to patrol. I have also been spending a lot of time around New Road, Ditton Road, Horton Road area to try and deter ASB, as well as regular patrols of Datchet Rec. 


In regards to Old Windsor, I have noticed there's been a few reports of catapults in the Burfield Road area so have been spending some time over that way, I will continue to monitor this.


Finally, I have managed to sort out a date in the future for multiple officers to essentially flood the area with Police to try and deter and also catch those engaging in ASB which includes catapults and quad bikes use. I am looking to see if we can include our off roads policing unit to address the quad bikes. 


As always if you see ASB occurring please call 999, alternatively, if it has already happened call 101 or complete an online form using the link below. 

Report antisocial behaviour | Thames Valley Police

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Message Sent By
Harry Laver
(Police, PC, Windsor)

Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials