The Police
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Neighbourhood - Op Alohomora

Dear resident,

Op Alohomora is Aylesbury Neighbourhoods response to the increased number of ASB and ASB related crimes in the town centre.

The operation has been running since 18th November 2024 and has successfully secured funding for this of £80k.

The operation is still running but a snapshot of the results

 • 21 arrests for shoplifting's, offensive weapon, handling stolen goods and public  order

 • Issued 12 community resolutions for shoplifting's, ASB and drug offences

 • Submitted over 150 intelligence reports have been submitted

 • Issued 12 E scooter warning letters

 • Completed 4 trading standards operations targeting alcohol and vapes leading   to one shop losing their alcohol licence 

 • 23 stop and searches

 • 3 Community Protection & Warning Notice's have been issued

 • Over 150 extra offices within the town centre completing over 440 hours of hotspot activity

 Business within in the town centre have seen a 100% increase in Police 95% think there has been a decrease of ASB within the town centre


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Message Sent By
Jo Howland
(Police, Neighbourhood Administrator, Aylesbury Vale)

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