The Police
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Theft from motor vehicles

Dear residents of Langley, 


As many of you will be aware, Langley is experiencing incidents of theft from motor vehicles whereby vehicles, mainly cars, are being broken into or entered when left insecure and items being stolen from within. The Neighbourhood Team are working diligently with many of yourselves and other police departments to identify those responsible as well as prevent these incidents from occurring; the most recent arrest of an individual suspected to be involved in such offences being on 18/01/2025.


To assist us in this effort, we are requesting anyone with footage (CCTV, RING doorbell etc) of any suspicious persons that may be trying car door handles or committing such offences, to make contact the local Neighbourhood Team. This can be done by simply responding to this email with your contact number or e-address and a link to upload your footage can be sent to your device. All footage, whether it was yourself, a neighbour or a stranger that was victimised, is appreciated. 


Having your vehicle broken into and losing valuables to thieves can be very distressing. Most offenders are opportunists therefore below are a number of ways to target harden your vehicle - 

> Keep your car locked when not in use and keep the keys with your person 

>Take items with you or hide them out of sight - we receive reports of items being stolen that may seem of little value to the owner (sunglasses, a winter coat, a spare pair of trainers) however these items are valuable to offenders and may draw the attention of thieves. 

> Consider leaving the glove box open to show there's nothing inside

> Where possible, park in a well-lit area or area covered by your own or a neighbour's CCTV camera


Thank you for your assistance in keeping this community safe. If you have any footage or information that you believe to be relevant contact can also be made via 101 or online at www.thamesvalley.police.uk. These options also allow anonymous reporting.  

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Message Sent By
Jessica Ritchie
(Police, Police Officer, Slough)

Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials