The Police
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Avoid becoming a victim of vehicle crime

We have seen an increase in reports of 'Theft from Vehicles' across the West Berkshire area recently. Having your car broken into can be very distressing. Most car criminals are opportunists. 

By following the tips below you can outsmart car thieves and limit their opportunity to steal your valuables. 


Trust locks, not luck

Lock all doors, close all windows and shut the sunroof every time you leave your car however briefly. 


Do not display 

Remove all valuables from your car when you park. Even an old coat or plastic bag left behind can tempt a thief.


Be alarmed

Install an alarm to deter thieves from not only stealing from your vehicle, but from also taking it. 

Install CCTV and a motion sensor light at your property.


To register your valuables in case of loss or theft: www.immobilise.com 



You can find out your local neighbourhood policing priorities on our website: https://www.thamesvalley.police.uk/area/your-area/


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Message Sent By
Tracie Stone
(Police, Neighbourhood Administrator, West Berkshire)

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