The Police
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It has been a busy couple of weeks for Slough’s Neighbourhood East Team!

On Wednesday 4th December, PC’s and PCSO’s attended Langley College for a ‘Pop-Up Event’, which was also attended by other local businesses. They engaged with students and explained the law around E-Scooters and Stop Searches, amongst other things. They also offered careers advice on how to join the Police!


On Thursday 5th December, PC’s and PCSO’s attended Langley College to give a talk to ESOL Students. These are Students who don’t have English as a first language. This is the 3rd time this talk has been given this academic year, and it aims to teach them about UK laws and Policing Values. We hope to continue working alongside the College to deliver this important presentation. 


On Friday 6th December whilst making enquiries on Langley High Street, PC 8397 SHARRATT and PC 4896 WALLACE were alerted by a member of the public that a crime had just occurred. Acting swiftly, the group of youths thought to be involved were located, stop searched, and catapults and marbles were seized. We will not tolerate Anti-Social Behaviour in the community. 


On Wednesday 11th December, a Community Engagement was held at Wexham Park Hospital. This is a great opportunity for the Team to speak with those visiting the Hospital about concerns they have around where they live in Slough, the Ops we are holding to make the community safer, and to give away some freebies! You will find us there once a month – keep an eye out for us in the main entrance. 


You may have also seen an increased number of Officers on both mobile and foot patrol around the Lynch Hill Academy and Wexham Secondary School’s recently. Our presence is aimed to deter from crime being committed, engage with Students, and make the community feel safer. 


Follow us on Facebook for regular updates and to see pictures of the Team in action #TVPSLOUGH 

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Message Sent By
Helen Sharratt
(Police, PC, Slough)

Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials