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community safety news

From PCSO Moulding,


We have had reports of “Nottingham Knockers” in and around Chipping Norton area,


The areas are Walterbush road,Evans way,Cotswold crescent.


The door to door sellers will normally have a large bag,no identification,or one that is sub standard and they will try to sell you household goods at generally overinflated prices,the items themselves can be sub standard too.


Historically the proceeds of which go to organised crime


Please do not purchase from these sellers,they can at times be aggressive in there selling of items,so do not engage in conversation with them and preferablly do not open the door.


If in doubt,or you have any concerns please call 999 for emergencies or 101 for non emergency.


Thank you



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Message Sent By
Darryn Moulding
(Police, PCSO, Cherwell and West)

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