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Aylesbury ShopWatch launching

I am pleased to announce the launch of the Thames Valley Business Crime Reduction Partnership in Buckinghamshire, with plans to establish a Aylesbury ShopWatch on the 31st of July utilizing the DISC software.


All businesses are invited to sign up for FREE, with access to DISC available through both a dedicated app and a web browser. Please see 2-minute explainer video on the DISC platform (https://discagainstcrime.com).


Disc is already being used in over 500 locations up and down the country in ShopWatches and PubWatches by both BID’s and BCRPs. 18 of those are active in the Thames valley area and all see significant benefits of using DISC.


Key features of DISC include:

- Access to galleries of known offenders

- Submission of incident reports and new offender reports

- Direct crime reporting, bypassing the 101 service (quicker as tailored to retail crime)

- Instant messaging and email alerts for urgent and important updates

- Access to alerts, important news, and information about upcoming events

- Automated weekly eNewsletter summarizing updates on the DISC system


The Aylesbury ShopWatch will integrate with other DISC systems in Buckinghamshire, facilitating information sharing and offender identification.


To proceed, we need to provide the Thames Valley Business Crime Partnership team with a list of contacts. They will use this list to create the Aylesbury ShopWatch group and individually send DISC membership links to the provided email addresses. There is no limit to the number of email addresses you can submit per business.


Please email Gill.robson@thamesvalley.police.uk if you wish to be included in the Aylesbury ShopWatch DISC scheme, providing the following information for each staff member to receive a membership link:

- Company name

- Contact name

- Email address


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Message Sent By
Oliver Fletcher
(Police, Business Crime Liaison Officer , Thames Valley)

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