The Police
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Spot the signs of Cannabis factories

Dear resident,

The impact of cannabis factories on our communities cannot be underestimated.

They often have links to serious criminality, with the drugs trade fuelling violence between groups competing for territory.

In order to bring offenders to justice, we need to know about where possible cannabis factories may be operating in the area. 

The key signs to look out for include:

  • Frequent visitors to a property at unsocial hours throughout the day and night.
  • Blacked out windows or condensation on the windows, even when it is not cold outside.
  • Bright lights in rooms throughout the night.
  • Electricity meters being tampered with or altered.
  • New cabling, sometimes leading to street lighting.
  • A powerful, distinctive, sweet, sickly aroma and noise from fans.
  • Lots of work or deliveries of equipment to an address, particularly those associated with growing plants indoors without soil such as heaters and lighting.
  • An excessive amount of plant pots, chemicals, fertilisers, and compost.
  • Anyone with information about a potential cannabis factory or drug dealing can report this to us online or via 101.

    You can also contact Crime stoppers 100% anonymously with any information. Call them on 0800 555 111 or go to their website: crimestoppers-uk.org to provide any information.


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    Message Sent By
    Jo Howland
    (Police, Neighbourhood Administrator, Aylesbury Vale)

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