The Police
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Neighbourhood Watch Scheme - Not a member of Neighbourhood Watch?

 You can become the coordinator and sign up neighbours as and when you can. Its a great way to meet your neighbours and to check on vulnerable households, such as the elderly.


 Communicate all Thames Valley Alert messages to your neighbours where relevant. Encourage them to sign up to TV Alert so they will receive the messages direct.  https://www.thamesvalleyalert.co.uk 


 Encourage neighbours to be observant and report to the Police any suspicious and criminal incidents. Call 999 in an emergency and 101 for all non-emergency calls. Report online https://www.thamesvalley.police.uk 


 Provide members with crime prevention information and promote property marking  https://www.immobilise.com 


 Act as the link between the scheme, other Co-ordinators in the area and the local Police.


To find your nearest scheme go to https://www.ourwatch.org.uk  
If there isn't a scheme nearby, then consider setting one up.



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Message Sent By
Tracie Stone
(Police, Neighbourhood Administrator, West Berkshire)

Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials