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Scam and fraud calls

Scammers  usually attempt to call elderly and vulnerable people in the community, and they don't care who gets hurt along they way! 

  • The call will often involve a scammer pretending to be a police officer, even quoting a shoulder number of a current serving officer. 
  • Scammers will call claiming to be a police officer and explain there is a problem with your bank account. They may state the staff at your bank are corrupt and cannot be trusted, or that your bank details have been cloned and they now require your assistance with their investigation.
  • They will tell you to transfer money into a secure account allegedly  in your name, in addition they may also ask you to provide cash, vouchers or valuable items to a courier.  In reality, this bank account will belong to the scammers and a victim will end up transferring money straight into their pockets!
  • If you receive a call like this HANG UP, a police officer or even a Bank fraud team will never ask you to transfer money to a 'safe account'  You may also receive calls pretending to be from your bank, HRMC or other government organisations.  
  • For any suspicious phone call that involves your money, bank or personal details, you can “take five” and verify via a range of trusted methods, please visit here for more information: https://www.takefive-stopfraud.org.uk/  

    ☎Always report suspected scams to Action Fraud, either online at www.actionfraud.police.uk or by telephone on 0300 123 2040, alternatively you can report via 101. 

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    Message Sent By
    Jo Howland
    (Police, Neighbourhood Administrator, Aylesbury Vale)

    Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials