The Police
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Appeal for witnesses following keyless theft of motor car

Police have received a report that during the early hours of Saturday 10 February, a grey coloured  BMW X5 XSport car was stolen from the private driveway of a house in Spring Meadow, Bracknell.

This is the second night that thieves have targeted similar type cars in the Bracknell/ Warfield boarder area.

If you heard or saw anything suspicious, have any CCTV, Video Doorbell or Dasham recording of suspects or know anything about these thefts you can report this information to police by phoning 101 or using Thames valley Police’s on line reporting portal. Quote crime ref: 43240065236.

If you want to remain anonymous or don’t want to speak to the police you can pass any relevant information via the independent charity Crimestoppers  on 0800 555 111 free of charge.

If you own a car with keyless locks and ignition, to protect it, as well as the basic first step of ensuring the windows have closed and doors locked and alarm has set whenever you leave it, police are now advising that you should consider utilising an overt steering wheel lock.

For more advice on how to keep your vehicle safe, visit the Thames Valley Police website www.thamesvalley.police.uk

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Message Sent By
Jon Morris
(Police, Neighbourhood Administrator, Bracknell & Wokingham)

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